Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cat Food, Dog Food or Raw Meat?

Image for post can bearded dragons eat cat food, dog food, meat showing a bearded dragon reading 'Bearded Eats' surrounded by cat food, dog food and meat

If bearded dragons eat cat food, dog food or meat over a period of time, it will likely result in health issues. Bearded dragons are often fed inappropriate diets as pets which results in health issues. Gout, often linked to diets high in red meat, is prevalent among captive bearded dragons.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cat Food?

Bearded dragons should not eat cat food either canned or dry (Wildlife, 2024). Feeding cat food could result in an excessive high fat diet (Stahl, 2003). Coupled with the potential for vitamin D3 overdose and incorrect calcium to phosphorus ratio for bearded dragons, and could pose health risks.

Cat food is formulated to meet the dietary requirements of cats, which are obligate carnivores. Bearded dragons have different nutritional needs. The primary issues if bearded dragons eat cat food include:

  1. Inappropriate Nutrient Balance: Cat food is high in proteins and fats, which can lead to obesity and liver problems in bearded dragons.
  2. Inappropriate Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio: The calcium to phosphorus ratio in cat food is not suitable for bearded dragons, potentially causing an imbalance of these critical minerals. Most commercial cat foods are formulated to meet the dietary needs of cats, which generally require a calcium to phosphorus ratio in the range of 1:1 to 1.2:1 whereas bearded dragons need 2:1 or more.
  3. Excessive Vitamins A and D3: While the exact requirements of vitamins A and D3 for bearded dragons are not fully known. Excessive amounts can cause health issues, including organ failure. Symptoms are consistent with those seen in lizards fed a diet high in dog and cat food, leading to conditions such as renal failure and metastatic calcification.
  4. High Fat Content: Cat food, being high in fat, is inappropriate for bearded dragons and can contribute to obesity and related health issues.

Bearded dragons eat cat food indirectly from being fed to insects. However, even as food for insects going to be fed to reptiles, it is best to avoid cat foods. When bearded dragons eat cat food they are at risk with its high fat and vitamin D3 contents, which can lead to health issues when fed regularly (RSPCA).

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dog Food?

Bearded dragons should not eat dog food either wet or dry (Wildlife, 2024). Dog food is formulated for dogs and doesn’t work with a bearded dragons’ dietary needs, especially regarding protein, fat content, fiber, D3 and the calcium to phosphorus ratio. Bearded dragons need a higher calcium to phosphorus ratio and a diet rich in plant-based nutrients, which dog food lacks. Feeding them dog food can result in nutritional imbalances and potential health problems.

image for bearded dragons can eat dog food indirectly from insects showing a cricket cage with food including dog food, carrot, pumpkin and sweet potato.
Bearded dragons can eat dog food indirectly when fed to insects like crickets which are omnivores. However, there are other alternatives for rearing insects.

Specifically the reasons why dog food is not good for bearded dragons:

  1. Nutritional imbalance: Dog food typically contains higher levels of proteins and fats than suitable food for bearded dragons.
  2. Vitamin D3 levels: Dog food contains vitamin D3 levels formulated for dogs, which may not be appropriate for bearded dragons and could lead to vitamin D3 overdose.
  3. High fat content: The high fat content in dog food can contribute to obesity and related health problems in bearded dragons.
  4. Lack of plant material: Bearded dragons are omnivores that require a significant amount of plant-based foods in their diet. Dog food lacks the necessary plant material and fiber that bearded dragons need for proper digestion and nutrition.
  5. Risk of toxicity: Some ingredients commonly found in dog food may be toxic to bearded dragons or may cause digestive issues.

Bearded dragons can eat dog food indirectly when fed to insects. For example, crickets (being omnivores) will eat meat and need some forms of protein. However, dog food should not be used for gut-loading insects.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raw Meat?

Bearded dragons can eat raw meat. Certainly a little ground beef, pork, chicken or whatever may disappear if the reptile is presented with a wiggly bit of meat held in feeder tongs in front its face to spark interest. Although bearded dragons can eat raw meat in small amounts, it’s generally not recommended.

In the wild, bearded dragons might occasionally consume a little animal protein. Perhaps a smaller lizard walking by or a mouse may become the bearded dragons next raw meat meal. The thing is, research doesn’t agree. Studies repeatedly show vegatation and arthropods (mainly ants) make up the majority of a wild bearded dragons diet.

However, when a bearded dragon does eat meat it is ingesting a whole animal, bones and all. Eating a whole animal alters the calcium to phosphorus ratio to a more positive state (assuming they can digest some bone) compared to meat alone.

Bearded dragons eating meat raises concerns with:

  1. High protein levels: Excessive protein in meat can overburden their renal system, risking kidney problems.
  2. High fat content: meat can have a high fat content for bearded dragons.
  3. Meat has a poor calcium to phosphorus ratio for bearded dragons: Bearded dragons require about a 2:1 calcium to phosphorus ratio. Meats are often 0:1 ratio. See the table below for some meats ratio.
Beef casserole meat0:19190
Beef low fat mince0:17203
Beef rump lean0:14230
Meat does not meet bearded dragons Ca:P ratio requirements.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cat Food, Dog Food or Meats Conclusion

If bearded dragons eat cat food, dog food, or raw meat it can expose them to health risks. Cat food, both wet or dry, is high in fat and the wrong nutrients for bearded dragons, which can cause health issues. Similarly, dog food does not meet their nutritional needs. Dog food has the wrong proportions of protein and fat and a poor calcium to phosphorus ratio. Feeding bearded dragons raw meat is also problematic, especially due to fat content, and its poor calcium to phosphorus ratio.

Bearded dragons should be fed a diet that closely resembles their natural foods which depends on age. As adults, bearded dragons need a lot more vegetation, plant-based nutrients. Baby and juvenile bearded dragons need more proteins which can be sourced from insects.

image re can bearded dragons eat cat food, dog food or meat showing a tin of cat food, a tin of dog food, a packet of cat biscuits, a packet of dog biscuits and some red meat
Bearded dragons should not be fed cat food or dog food. Meat may be acceptable in small quantities.


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