Hi, thanks for popping by!
Chris Nairn
Bearded Dragons World is where passion for bearded dragons meets research to give these amazing reptiles the care they deserve.
Our Story
Founded by Chris Nairn, this website was born out of a need for reliable, evidence-based guidance on caring for these bearded dragons. And, of course, we couldn’t do it without Grumpy, our not-so-famous, always-grumpy-looking bearded dragon mascot.
It all started when Chris stumbled upon an e-book that was… well, dangerous. The advice was so off-base it was borderline harmful, and to make things worse, it wasn’t alone. Plenty of sites claimed to give “expert” care tips but were riddled with bad information and opinions that couldn’t be backed up or trusted. Chris knew right away that pet owners needed a place to find trustworthy, evidence-backed advice, so Bearded Dragons World was born.
The first website, launched in 2012, had a clunky URL that didn’t exactly help with search results and was confusing for readers to get to. So in 2014, that was fixed and we became beardeddragonsworld.com.
Our mission has stayed simple: give pet owners a fun, safe, and reliable place to learn, share, and make better lives for their bearded dragons.
Who We Are
Chris grew up on a farm in Australia where wildlife was as common as gum trees. Reptiles like shinglebacks and snakes were abundant, sparking a fascination that’s never gone away. That fascination included bearded dragons.
Today, Chris spends endless hours scouring research to bring accurate insights on bearded dragon nutrition, health, behavior and so much more to pet owners. Between her time dedicated to reviewing research and writing, along with her colonies of insects, life gets very busy.

Reptiles teach us there is so much to learn about life; I’m just here to make the learning curve a little less steep for pet owners.
Chris Nairn

Then there’s Grumpy, our mascot with a constant grumpy face to match his name. Grumpy’s our resident comedian, and his presence adds a lighthearted touch to the Bearded Dragons World. You’ll usually spot him with a couple of cartoon crickets (his favorite snack). And as for patience? Well, he’s working on it…slowly.
Self-taught bearded dragon extraordinaire – a legend in my own mind, just waiting for you guys to catch on.
The Challenge
There’s a lot of advice online about bearded dragon care, but so much of it is based on opinions, not science. And this isn’t a minor issue – poor information can lead to real suffering for these animals. Over the years, Chris has seen too many cases of pet owners struggling, often without even knowing they’re doing anything wrong. That’s why Bearded Dragons World goes the extra mile to bring real, research-based information to the table so owners can make decisions they know they can trust.
The Impact
Today, Bearded Dragons World has grown into a great community of pet owners swapping stories, sharing successes, and making real improvements to their pets’ lives. We’ve seen enclosures upgraded, diets improved, and overall care standards improving, all because people now have a reliable source they can turn to. It’s incredibly rewarding, especially when something as simple as a sunny spot can prevent serious health issues like metabolic bone disease.
What’s Next
Our story is growing! Bearded Dragons World continues to build on information, with plans to add videos, educational resources, interactive tools, and a community forum where pet owners can swap stories and ask questions in a safe, friendly space. There’s always something new to learn, and together, we can help our bearded dragons live their best lives!
Where Chris Works From
At the moment Chris now runs Bearded Dragons World from a farm in Australia where many a shingleback, gecko, snake or other reptile can be seen. It’s the perfect backdrop for a life dedicated to reptiles and the unique needs of bearded dragons.
What You’ll Find Here
Bearded Dragons World offers you:
- Helpful Guides: From feeding to setting up the perfect habitat, you’ll find straightforward advice to make caring for your bearded dragon easier.
- Latest Research: We’re always updating our content with the newest and most reliable information to keep you informed.
- Practical Resources: Whether you need step-by-step instructions or want to connect with other owners, we’ve got plenty of resources to support you.
- A Welcoming Community: Join our community to share your experiences and learn from other bearded dragon enthusiasts just like you.
Thanks for Being a Part of the Bearded Dragons World Community
Thank you for being part of the Bearded Dragons World community. I invite you to be a part of the team, the community, to make the lives of our companion animals a blessing for both human and reptile alike. Makes comments, make suggestion, seek improvements. We’re here to help you every step of the way as you care for your bearded dragon.