Electricity Costs: How Much Do Bearded Dragons Cost in Electricity?

The rewarding experience of being a bearded dragon parent can be challenged when unexpected electricity costs arrive. Electricity costs will be one of those added extra expenses on your budget. So, how much does a bearded dragon cost in electricity and how much electricity do bearded dragons use?

The electricity costs associated with maintaining the proper environment for your pet will vary with the climate you live in, power costs and the setup of your bearded dragons housing. To aid in understanding the electricity costs there is a handy calculator below!

Electricity costs: How much electricity does a bearded dragon use with handy calculator.

Key Takeaways

  • The impact of lighting and heating on bearded dragon electricity costs.
  • How the climate and your home’s temperature affect energy usage.
  • Use our calculator to estimate your bearded dragon’s electricity costs.
  • Explore factors like bulb wattage and enclosure size on energy consumption.
  • Find tips to reduce electricity costs for your bearded dragon’s care.

The Cost of Comfort: Electricity Usage for Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons require a controlled environment to thrive, including proper lighting, heating, and occasionally, cooling. These necessities contribute to your electric bill, raising questions “how much does a bearded dragon cost in electricity?” and “how much electricity do they require?”

Maintaining the right environment for your bearded dragon involves several key components, each contributing to the habitat’s overall warmth and light necessary for your pet’s health and well-being. The basic elements include ceramic heat emitters for heat, basking bulbs for warmth and light plus UVB lights for vitamin D3 synthesis. Here’s a breakdown of each component and its associated costs:

  • Purpose: Provides the essential warmth bearded dragons need to thermoregulate and stay active. Used in conjunction with UVB lights.
  • Typical Wattage: Ranges between 75-150 watts, depending on the size of the enclosure and the ambient temperature of the room.
  • Usage: These bulbs are usually on for about 12-14 hours a day to simulate the natural sunlight cycle, providing a warm basking spot for your dragon.
  • Purpose: Essential for the synthesis of vitamin D3, which aids in calcium absorption, a critical aspect of bearded dragon health. Used with basking bulbs.
  • Typical Wattage: These are often labeled as 10.0 UVB, indicating a high output of UVB suitable for desert-dwelling reptiles like bearded dragons. The wattage for these tubes typically ranges from 15 watts to 40 watts, depending on the length of the tube, which can vary from 18 inches (45 cm) to 48 inches (120 cm).
  • Usage: Like the basking bulb, UVB lights are generally kept on for 12-14 hours per day to mimic natural daylight conditions.

Ceramic Heat Emitters (CHEs) do not emitt any light so they are useful at nighttime to maintain the temperature depending on the climate you live in. A hot summers night in Australia will not require a ceramic heat emitter to be on, but winter may.

In addition, for periods when the other heating elements (basking bulbs or mercury vapors) cannot keep up with maintaining the cage temperature in the day, a ceramic heat emitter is useful.

  • Purpose: CHEs provide a consistent heat source without emitting any light, making them perfect for maintaining the necessary warmth in the terrarium during the night without disrupting the bearded dragon’s natural day-night cycle.
  • Typical Wattage: Ceramic heat emitters come in various wattages, similar to basking bulbs. Wattages typically range between 50-250 watts.
  • Usage: CHEs can be used around the clock, providing a constant heat source that is especially beneficial during cooler nights or in environments where the ambient temperature tends to drop significantly outside of daylight hours.

Note: A reliable thermostat should be used to regulate the CHE, to keep the enclosure within the optimal temperature range for your bearded dragon’s health and comfort.

8 Factors that Influence How Much Electricity a Bearded Dragon Uses

When considering the costs of electricity associated with keeping a bearded dragon, several factors come into play. These factors influence the immediate environment of your reptile and the broader implications on your electricity bill.

The foundational factor influencing your electricity costs is the rate charged by your power company. These rates can vary significantly depending on your geographical location, the time of year, and the specific pricing plans available. Some regions offer lower rates during off-peak hours, which can be advantageous if you can align your bearded dragon’s heating and lighting schedule accordingly.

The temperature inside your home plays a role in determining the frequency and duration for which the heating elements in the bearded dragon’s enclosure are active. In warmer climates or during the summer months, the natural ambient temperature might reduce the need for additional heating within the terrarium, subsequently lowering electricity usage. Conversely, in cooler climates or during winter, the heating elements may need to work harder and longer to maintain the optimal temperature range for your bearded dragon.

Incorporating a thermostat into your bearded dragon’s heating and lighting setup can lead to savings on your electricity bill. A thermostat can regulate the temperature within the terrarium, ensuring that heating elements turn off when the desired temperature is reached and only turn back on when necessary. This aids in preventing overheating and creates a stable environment for your pet reptile and minimizes unnecessary power consumption.

The wattage of the bulbs used for heating and lighting in the bearded dragon’s enclosure directly impacts electricity consumption. Higher wattage bulbs consume more power. Depending on the heating needs dictated by the ambient temperature of your home, you might be able to use a lower wattage bulb to achieve the desired temperature, thereby reducing energy usage. For instance, a 100-watt bulb might suffice in a warmer home environment, whereas a colder home might necessitate a whopping 250-watt bulb to reach the same temperature.

Seasonal variations in temperature can affect how often and how long heating and lighting are needed, influencing your electricity costs throughout the year. If your bearded dragon will be allowed to go into brumation then heating and lighting costs will likely reduce a little.

Apart from heating, the type of UV and basking lights used can also affect power consumption. Energy-efficient options such as LED lights for general illumination can help reduce costs.

Properly insulating your bearded dragon’s enclosure can help maintain the desired temperature with less energy. Glass tanks are not effective at keeping heat whereas an enclosure built with wood will have better insulation properties. This can be particularly effective in cooler environments, reducing the need for constant heating.

Larger enclosures may require more heating and lighting to maintain appropriate temperatures and lighting levels, potentially increasing electricity usage.

How Much Did Your Electricity Bill Jump?

Imagine this… you come home after a long day at work and settled yourself into your cozy couch with the day’s mail in hand. Among the envelopes, you spot your latest electricity bill. Just last month, you meticulously set up the ideal habitat for your bearded dragon, complete with the perfect heating and lighting to ensure their comfort and health. Everything’s been running smoothly, and you’ve found joy in watching your reptile thrive in its new environment.

With a sense of accomplishment still fresh from creating such a perfect setup, you tear open the electricity bill, curious but not overly concerned. But then, you pause, taken aback by the numbers staring back at you. How much did your electric bill jump since setting up your bearded dragon? How much electricity does it take to run a reptile habitat?

There is a way to know how much electricity your bearded dragon is using. Avoid surprises and work out the electricity costs before hand using the handy electricity costs calculator below. Or do the calculations yourself, instructions below.

Calculator: How Much Does a Bearded Dragon Cost in Electricity per Month or Year?

So just how much does a bearded dragon cost in electricity in a day, a month or even a year? Electricity costs can be an important consideration in the budget for keeping bearded dragons since they need heating and lighting in their habitat.

The Electricity Cost Calculator below can help you work out how much it costs to keep a bearded dragon in electricity over days, weeks, months and years.

Check the packaging or label of the equipment such as bulbs you’re using to find the wattage. This information indicates how much power the equipment consumes.

Add up those numbers. So a 150 watt CHE and a 18 watt UVB light would equal 168 watts.

Refer to your electricity bill or contact your utility provider to find the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity. This is the amount you’ll be charged for each unit of energy consumed.

  • Enter the wattage (such as the bulb) in the appropriate field.
  • Input the cost per kWh of electricity.
  • Specify the number of hours the bulb(s) are typically used per day.
  • Enter the number of days you’ll be using the electrical items.

After entering all the necessary information, the calculator will provide you with the total electricity cost for running the electrical items over the specified period. The calculator will automatically show you how much your bearded dragon costs in electricity per the time period you enter.

Electricity Cost Calculator
© Bearded Dragons World

How to Work Out How Much a Bearded Dragon Costs in Electricity per Month in 5 Steps

Let’s break down the calculation to understand how much electricity a bearded dragon uses over a period of time, like a month.

  1. Identify the wattage: First, find out the wattage of each device you’re using in your bearded dragon’s terrarium. For example, if you have a 100-watt Ceramic Heat Emitter (CHE) and an 18-watt UVB strip light, you would add these together:
    100 watts (CHE)+18 watts (UVB)=118 watts.
  2. Calculate the daily usage: Next, calculate how much electricity these devices use in a day. If they’re on for 12 hours a day, you would do the math like this:
    118 watts×12 hours=1,416 watt-hours per day.
  3. Convert to kilowatt-hours (kWh): Since your electricity bill measures usage in kilowatt-hours, you’ll need to convert the daily usage. There are 1,000 watts in a kilowatt, so:
    1,416 watt-hours÷1,000=1.416 kWh per day.
  4. Calculate monthly usage: To figure out how much electricity you’re using in a month, multiply the daily usage by the number of days in the month (or year if you prefer – 365 days). Using 30 days (month) as an example: 1.416 kWh/day×30 days=42.48 kWh per month.
  5. Totalling how much the electricity costs: Finally, to find out how much it will cost you in electricity to keep your bearded dragon, multiply the total monthly usage by the cost per kWh. If your electricity costs 13 cents per kWh, your calculation would look like this:
    42.48 kWh × times $0.13 per kWh = $5.52.
    So, in this example, the electricity costs to budget for would be approximately $5.52 per month to provide heat and UV light for your bearded dragon. Remember, these are example figures, and how much your actual electricity costs to keep your reptile could vary based on your specific devices, usage, and local electricity rates.

Tips for Reducing Electricity Costs

  1. Use timers and thermostat to ensure lights are only on when needed.
  2. Invest in energy-efficient bulbs like LED for general terrarium lighting.
  3. Monitor temperature with a thermostat to avoid overuse of heating devices.
  4. Buy or build an enclosure with some insulation properties, glass tanks do not have good insulation properties and will likely cost more in power to maintain the heat.

Conclusion: Navigating Bearded Dragon Electricity Costs

While the joy of owning a bearded dragon is priceless, understanding and managing the associated costs, especially electricity, is crucial. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a happy and healthy life for your pet without any unexpected jumps in your electric bill. Remember, every pet owner’s journey is unique, and being informed and prepared is the key to a rewarding experience.

The journey of caring for a bearded dragon brings immeasurable joy and a unique companionship. However, understanding and managing the bearded dragon electricity costs that accompany creating a suitable habitat for your pet can make life more financially comfortable for you.

Each bearded dragon pet owner’s experience is distinct, shaped by the specific needs of their pet and the conditions of their home. Being well-informed and proactive about the various factors affecting electricity costs is important. A proactive approach allows you to enjoy the rewarding experience of pet ownership fully, with peace of mind knowing you’re providing the best care possible in a cost-effective manner.


How much does a bearded dragon cost in electricity?

The electricity cost for a bearded dragon can vary dependent on conditions. The cost of electricity could be $10 per month, depending on the wattage of the bulbs, how long they are on for, any electricity saving devices connected (such as thermostat) and the local cost per kWh.

How much electricity does a bearded dragon use?

A bearded dragon could use around 1.5 kWh per day (more or less depending on the conditions), considering the combined usage of heating, basking, and UVB lights, which translates to approximately 45 kWh per month.

How much electricity do bearded dragons require?

How much elelctricity bearded dragons require is very dependent on the conditions. An estimate could be around 1.5 kWh of electricity daily to maintain the proper heat and lighting in their terrarium.


Synergy. (n.d.). Electricity bill calculator. Synergy.

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