If you’re searching for information because you’re worried your bearded dragon died, you’re unsure, or it is likely to happen and you don’t know what to do now, we are here to help you.
Fortunately its not always bad, sometimes unsuspecting first time reptile owners can mistake brumation or sleep for death. Here’s hoping your case is as simple as that.
We’ll walk you through signs your bearded dragon died as opposed to brumating or sleeping. We also cover the reasons that it can be so hard to identify if a bearded dragon has died and what steps to take if you suspect something is wrong.
If your bearded dragon has died, then we offer you a big hug along with some guidance on what to do next.
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Is my Bearded Dragon Dead?
Dead Bearded Dragon vs Hibernation and Sleeping
It is unfortunately amazing how incredibly difficult it can be to tell if a bearded dragon is dead in some instances. However, hibernating (brumating), or simply sleeping is easier to detect. Here are some ways to help you differentiate between these states:
- Brumation: During hibernation bearded dragons enter a state of very low activity to conserve energy during colder months. In brumation bearded dragons can stay very still for days or even months if needed. Their eyes will be closed, their heart rate will be very slow and their breathing very shallow. Unlike death, however, a brumating bearded dragon will occasionally reposition themselves, or respond if gently handled. Sometimes if it is warm enough they will even come out for a few hours, perhaps days and then go back into brumation.
- Sleeping: A sleeping bearded dragon will often look relaxed and may have their eyes closed. Their body will not be completely limp; instead, it will have some muscle tone, and they may be holding onto a branch or other structure. If gently picked up, a sleeping bearded dragon will usually wake up and start moving even if only to open an eye. Unlike brumation or death, a sleeping bearded dragon’s breathing will be easier to see, and they will respond relatively quickly when disturbed.
- Death: Unfortunately it’s not always eash to detect if a bearded dragon has died which is covered in detail in the next section.
If your bearded dragon is brumating or sleeping and you really want comfirmation that they are ok, try gently moving them or placing them in a warm area. A bearded dragon that is simply brumating or sleeping will usually respond in some way, such as adjusting their position or waking up. These small reactions can help you determine that they are still alive. You may find other information in caring for bearded dragons that will assist you.
Dead Bearded Dragon: How do I know? Signs and Complications
A dead bearded dragon (and other reptiles) can be difficult to confirm because they have a unique biology and physiology. Because of their special characteristics the usual signs of death like we see in mammals is less obvious. Papers by Warren (2014) and Pollock (2012) describe the signs of a death in a reptiles:
- Bearded dragons low heart rate can make it difficult to detect: Bearded dragons have a low heart rate, which can be very hard to detect. Using a stethoscope might not work effectively because their heartbeats are very faint, and their scales can make it difficult to hear anything clearly. Veterinarians can also use ultrasound or an electrocardiogram (ECG) to check for heart activity.
- Bearded dragons can hold their breath for a long time: Because bearded dragons have a very low metabolic rate they can hold their breath for long periods of time. This means that just because you don’t notice them breathing, doesn’t mean a bearded dragon is dead.
- Bearded dragons don’t react to stimuli like mammals: Bearded dragons do not react to stimuli, like light or pain, as mammals do. This means that testing reflex responses, like touching the eyes or limbs which mammals would react to, won’t necessarily work on bearded dragons. Bearded dragons can have diminished responses even when alive but it’s a natural part of their physiology.
- Even after death the heart can beat and some movements may be seen: Sometimes, even when the brain has stopped, a bearded dragons heart can keep going for hours. Sometimes other movements can be seen as well. The hearteat and movements even after death show the high tolerance of the spinal cord and nerves to low oxygen levels. Their reflexes are persisting even after death. The continued movement of a dead bearded dragon can be confusing and distressing. Keep in mind that these are involuntary actions. If the bearded dragon is dead then, obviously, it is not feeling anything.
- Brain can be dead but heart may still beat: In bearded dragons, brain death can occur well before cardiac arrest. The heart may continue to beat even after brain has stopped working, sometimes for many hours. This phenomenon is one of the reasons why determining death in reptiles can be so challenging. In some cases, the heart rate can slow down so much that you might only see one beat every few minutes. Needless to say this can make it very difficult to understand whether your bearded dragon has died or continues to live.
- Stages of the body after death: After death, bearded dragons, like other animals, start off being floppy and loose (flaccidity) after which they go into rigor mortis. During the rigor mortis stage their body becomes stiff and rigid. This usually happens a few hours after death and can last for several hours before the muscles eventually relax again. If your bearded dragon’s body is stiff, it is a strong indication that they have passed away. However, other conditions, like muscle spasms or tetany, which could cause temporary stiffness so you would need to be sure of which it is likely to be. If you notice that your bearded dragon is rigid and there are no other signs of life, it is likely that they have passed.
- Wait to confirm death over the next 24 hours: If your bearded dragon appears dead, wait for 24 hours before confirming death or proceeding with any further steps, such as burial. This waiting period helps ensure that the animal is indeed deceased since even the professionals have difficulty in confirming death.
So as you can see, confirming the death of a bearded dragon can be difficult without specialized equipment or veterinary assistance. If you are unsure whether your bearded dragon has passed away, consider calling your vet.
My Bearded Dragon Died, What Do I Do?
Now your bearded dragon has died there are of course things you must do. The first steps are:
- Letting go of the body: Cremation or burial are both options. Cremations are often arranged through your vet or directly with a pet cremation service. If you prefer to bury your bearded dragon, prepare the hole deep enough that it will not be disturbed by any passing creature. If you are in Australia, most states will require you to report the death to the regulatory authority. You may have to keep the body until they have given the go ahead to do otherwise.
- Packing up your bearded dragons enclosure: Cleaning up and packing away your bearded dragons house and accessories.
- Pay tribute to your friendship with your bearded dragon: Consider if and how you would like to pay tribute.
- Australians may need to report it: In some states in Australia where licenses are required to keep bearded dragons you will need to let the relevant government department know. They will typically require you to keep the body until they give you the all clear to proceed.
Bearded Dragon Died: 8 Ways to Remember your Companion
Unless something traumatic occurred, once your bearded dragon has died it will look very much like it did when it was alive. This may make it easier to pay tribute after it has died. Here are some ways you might like to pay tribute once your Bearded Dragon has passed away:
- Organise a memorial or funeral service for your pet. When your bearded dragon died a small service in honouring your pet’s life or a more elaborate one.
- Create a physical reminder for your pet.
- Create a photo album of your pet.
- Commission a portrait.
- Order a pet memorial plaque.
- Get a tattoo of you are pet…just don’t do it until you are moving out of grief. Never make decisions on anything that will impact you for life during grief that you don’t have to.
- Support an animal charity in memory of your pet. You can donate your time or money to an animal charity in your pet name for his memorial. Help other pet owners to take care of their pets.
- Remembrance Book. Add your own dedication in the online remembrance book. Perhaps one day it will also help others to come feel some solace knowing they aren’t alone either.
Grieving: Why the Loss of a Pet Upsets Us So Much
Many of us share a strong bond and love with our animals. Our bearded dragons bring companionship, joy, and fun to our lives. They can add structure to our days, keep us social and active, offer a sense of meaning or purpose and aid us to overcome challenges in life. So, it’s normal to feel beset by grief and loss when your companion dies.
When our bearded dragon dies we can feel devastated and all sorts of painful and difficult emotions surface. Never feel ashamed or guilty about grieving for your best companion.
While we all respond differently to loss. The way you show your grief will often depend on your personality and age, the age of your pet, the conditions of their death and even who you have (or don’t have) to help you through this time of loss. Generally, how important your pet was to you will determine the intensity of your emotional pain.
You may even feel a profound sense of guilt if you were believe you are responsible for your bearded dragons death, or perhaps unable to provide expensive veterinary treatment to prolong its life.
While going through loss is an inevitable part of owning a pet, here are some ways to help you get through the harder moments, cope with the pain.
How do I Grieve my Bearded Dragon?
Everyone grieves differently, and how you cope with the loss of your bearded dragon will be unique to you. There’s no “right” or “normal” way to grieve, and it may take weeks, months, or even longer to feel like yourself again.
Some people find comfort in talking about their feelings. Choose to talk to someone who understands your connection with your reptile, not everyone does. Perhaps that will be a family member, friends, or fellow reptile enthusiasts who understand the bond you had with your pet. Others may need a personal ritual to help process the loss, such as burying their bearded dragon in a special place or creating a small memorial. For some, simply allowing themselves time to reflect and remember their companion can bring peace.
Ignoring the pain can make it linger, so allow yourself to move through the stages of grief naturally. Don’t suppress your emotions—letting yourself feel the sadness is an important part of healing. It’s okay to cry, to talk about your bearded dragon, or even to create a space where you can remember the joy they brought into your life. You may also find it helpful to journal your thoughts or share stories with others who have been through the same loss.
Whatever your path, know that healing is a personal journey, and it’s okay to take your time.
I Feel Guilty my Bearded Dragon Died
Feeling guilty that your bearded dragon died is truly not uncommon. Thoughts of ‘what if’s’ will come in like, ‘I should have taken him to the vet’ or ‘I should have changed this one thing’.
Perhaps they were valid, perhaps they were not. Either way, this is one of the stages of grief and holding on to them will slow you down. You know this. You cannot change what has been done, but you can change your next moment and the moment after that.
I Can’t Believe my Bearded Dragon Died!
Another early stage of grief is denial. In this stage, you may feel like your pet is still alive. You may have a hard time coming home to find your bearded dragon is not waiting for you. There is no meal to be prepared, no play to be had, no heat lamp to turn off.
Denial of your bearded dragon death will make it harder for you to move past your pet’s death and cope. Practice breathing short breaths in, long breaths out, let is pass.
Release your anger in healthy ways. Anger is a major emotion in the grieving process. Your anger may be focused on what killed your pet.
Let yourself be angry for a time, you will know how long is enough. If it gets to bitterness and rage, it is going too far and will only make you feel worse.
Anger can also be a distraction from resolving your feelings of grief and make you hold onto your grief. Release it and begin to heal.
Spend time with your family and friends. Concentrate on caring for yourself. Do activities that make you feel good like mingling with good friends, hiking outdoors, or doing a project that inspires you. Focus on activities that can help you to discharge your anger in a way that feels useful and healthy.
Poems to Share for Your Moments of Grieving
Here are some poems that might give you peace or inspiration in this time of loss.
Prayer of Serenity
Recite the Prayer of Serenity (by Reinhold Niebuhr).
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next
We Meet Again
Smile my sweet prince, I am with you again.
Can you feel my presence? I sense you can.
I do not suffer, I feel no pain.
I am free from the world with much bigger plans.
Smile my sweet prince, for we meet again.
I Am Fine
Ahh little princess, you feel so much pain.
But it serves you no use, I am not of this plane.
My purpose was growth, both yours and mine.
We made it sweet princess, don’t weep, I am fine.
I am Here in the Sunlight
I am here in the sunlight that warms the day
I am here in the moonlight that lights your way
I am here in the rain that leaves all anew
I am here when you wake up, all around you.
I Live On
Spend no money on my body
Pay me no tribute at all
My body was but a transport for soul
Its gone, but I live on.
Joy and Happiness
Remember the times that were good and fun,
Use them for happiness and joy.
Do me great honor by moving along,
Spend no time on sorrow.
We will meet again.
Bearded Dragon Died: Moving On
Keep in mind that some people may not comprehend how deep the loss of your bearded dragon is to you. Connect with other reptile owners who have also experienced loss and grief.
Try exploring a new interest like drawing, painting or joining a fitness group. Exercise enhances your mood and helps you to overcome feelings of depression.
You can also practice self-care by taking time on your own to read or do something relaxing and calming. Don’t be alone for too long as this can lead to loneliness and isolation. Keep a balance of time with others and yourself to ensure you are taking care of your physical and emotional needs during this period.
Sometimes, grief can be so devastating it is too much to handle on your own. If after you have talked to family and friends you are still feeling depressed, upset, powerless and unable to function, you can speak with a counsellor or psychologist. If you cannot get an appointment quick enough, see your doctor first.
- Emamzadeh, A. (2021). How People Grieve the Loss of a Pet. Psychology Today.
- Pollock, C. DVM, DABVP. (2012) How to Verify Life (and Death) in Reptiles.
- Simpson, S. (n.d.). Ending It AllI: Euthanasia of Reptiles.
- Warren, K. (2014). Reptile Euthanasia — No Easy Solution? Pacific Conservation Biology, 20(1), 25–27. Pacific Conservation Biology.
I lost my 4 yr old Beardie dragon last night. My heart is so heavy. Her name was Jaxie. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get over losing her. She helped me recover from my cancer Treatments while the family went to work and school. Your silence is Golden. I love you Jaxie, I will miss our cuddles and all our daily routines.Thank you for loving me, Seeing your empty tank hurts so much but I can’t bear to put it away yet. You completed our family. You will be missed Jaxie Girl! Love, Mommy & daddy And all your… Read more »
Reading this and these comments ha helped bring me a little peace knowing there’s others going through it too… I know some people don’t understand my feeling of loss for my lizard so I’m having trouble talking about it with anyone. My 5 year old Beardie Jeffery passed away 2 days ago.. my wife and I got him in college and have always kept him spoiled since. Jeffery stopped eating and stopped being interested in food in late July, and this hasn’t been the first time he’s become disinterested. We made sure to keep fresh veggies and tube worms for… Read more »
I lost revan 24 hours ago now and I’ve never felt this broken before he was my happiness when I have a bad day at school I come home and he’s staring at me with a face that say human hold me it’s cute and he was like a cold blooded puppy for people who understand this pain I don’t know why it hurts a 1000 times worse than my dog I haven’t laughed at absolutely hilarious jokes my friends make and I want to hold him but he’s gone I miss hope someone sees this and I hope nobody… Read more »
I lost my little mongo a day after my birthday, she was a good pet and friend i will mis her.
I just lost my 3yr old beardie today. I’m lost and broken. He was so much more than a lizard. He was my buddy, emotional support. I don’t know how I’ll get over this one. All my other pets had the chance to grow old. I’m so sorry everyone, for your losses. I do find comfort that others understand.
Its tough, hope your sadness passes quickly.
I lost my almost 8 year old beardie on 1/19/2022, my heart is broken. I love that little lizard. I feel his absence everyday, my routine is not the same, my room is not as warm or bright. I don’t have my little scaley bird sitting on my shoulder or cuddling on my neck.
I miss him so much, he was my little man.
Flamey i hope you’re basking and happy on the rainbow bridge, wait for me and I will find you again.
Bless, hope your sadness passes quickly.
@Rachel, Flamey and my Asmo have their wings now. Flying through heaven gettin all the buggies.
@Rachel, this is sweet sometimes life gets busy and then I’m alone I think of our baby 3 weeks now jus though of him again I guess we all pass to live one day for eternity he was my sons but like my child I love pets like my kids if that makes sense guys xxx we will all see our babies on the rainbow and be wit them for ever
We are sitting here 11-17-21 and here lies Spike the bearded dragon you will forever be missed and loved forever.
Mercedez Your Tia:(
My bearded dragon passed away two days ago and I can’t shake the feeling of guilt. Jabba was only two and feel I did something wrong. I try to act like I’m not as sad as I truly am because most people around me don’t think much of a lizard as a pet. This helped me to know there are others who feel the same loss that I do. Crying even as I type…
Bless. Take care
@Sonora, my baby was 7 months. Passed two days ago. Somehow the dogs broke into his cage while we were gone. I’m so hurt and broken. I’ve slept and cried. Screamed and yelled. Took him for cremation and can go pick him up tomorrow. Will get some remembrance items for him. But as of now, I feel a big hole in my heart and life. Not only did I lose my baby boy dragon, but I also lost my two fuzzy girl dogs now too. I’ll never be able to forgive them and honestly just want them out of my… Read more »
@Tesla Russell, the great things we all love are sent by god just to be taken away there is a reason god sends these gift of love to all of us and it’s to bring people closer and when it’s our beardys time it will be sad but they did what they were meant to do honor their life not push the others away
I lost my beautiful bearded dragon today. I feel lost without him. His name was Rango and he was due to visit the vet tomorrow. He had not eaten for 3 days and I was told it was down to brummation but I wanted him checked over for peace of mind. As he was nearly 1 he was due for a check up anyway. I cannot describe the feeling of loss. I did everything correctly, lighting, vitamins, uv you name it he was spoilt, we loved him so much. Maybe in time we will get another one. I never thought… Read more »
Can be so hard. Bless.
My bearded dragon died a few days ago and this really help I was grieving for him so bad and I still am I feel like part of me is missing Ziggy you will always be with me.
Many others understand your loss. Take care.
I didn’t have a bearded dragon but my leopard gecko passed away today and I feel like it’s my fault. This article helped me a little bit tho
@Savian, hugs they all kinda the same x hugs
I lost my girl this Friday she was about 8/9 years old. My best friend my rock. There will never be another like her she got me though some really rough times in life. I’m choosing to have her cremated after I get her paw impressions to make a tattoo
Bless, that is very sweet.
@Emily numbers, that’s a good idea. I’m hoping his paw, tail and beard imprints come back good and clear so that I can do that as well. I go to pick them and him up tomorrow.
That was my baby. I’m so broken. I don’t see healing in sight.
@Emily numbers, hugs same here x
My beardie Tica passed away two nights ago. A video of her appeared on my phone. I wish I could pet the top of her head and see her little eyes closing, enjoying the petting. Thank you for being there for me Tica when I had no one else. Just knowing you were there made me feel less lonely. I won’t forget you. I’ll miss your little eyes.
@Brittany, I noticed there are a type of beardy ppl are very loving ppl in this blog I thought I was the only one like this we loved them like our kids xxx
My beardie passed away today, she lived a long age of 14. Thank you for writing this,
and I am sorry for your loss.
My beardie passed away today. Thank you for your content ; I hope this will help me to cope with the loss of my baby :,(
this page has really helped me with the loss of my bearded dragon 2 days ago… thank you.
my beardie pasted away yesterday thank you for this.
Bless and best wishes
thank you so very much
My dragon is acting strange think I need a a bit of help or information please get back to me me on this email love my dragon don’t want my dragon to die on me she is only a year and a half old thanks
Hey Ann Marie
You really need to seek the support of a vet. Medical help will provide the best results.
my beardie spike died a while back it still hurts but that pain never goes away especially cuzz he died the day after my great grandma died…. i still remember i got spike at 8 and he was the only reptile my great grandma would hold she babied him even though she was scared of every other reptile or arachnid or amphibian she even said spikes not a critter he’s family.
That sounds like you had a special relationship. Bless.
@Michael, oh yes I guess gran needed him more babe hugs in heaven siting wit Jesus x
I’ll be using one of these poems for our dragons funeral today. Thank you. ❤
I hope it is a perfect day for you. Bless.
Thank you, My Beardie I have got a half and a month ago, sadly has chocked on his meal, when I walked in the room, and saw, he was dead ),:
Aww that is sad. May he have his wings and bless you both.